[Interest] Windows doesn't load QQmlExtensionPlugin

Francesco Nwokeka francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 14:21:07 CET 2016

Hello all,
	I'm having a little problem with Qt's QQmlExtensionPlugin. On my linux 
machine the plugin is correctly loaded and all is fine. The problem subsists 
when I move the compilation to my windows machine.

Here[1] is the error msg and the "bin/" folder layout (where my .exe is 

What am I doing wrong?

P.S: the QQmlExtension plugin is used to load settings defined in a Qml object 
in the "settings.rc" file.

[1] https://gist.github.com/nwoki/cabf52a1d2ebc7bdd50a

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