[Interest] When does Qt load its plugins?

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 14:00:58 CEST 2016

2016-07-13 12:34 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvstone at gmail.com>:
> I'm working on packaging an application using QtWidgets as an AppImage
> and I'm looking at which of the Qt plugins I must bundle.
> I'll run an strace while using the application, but I thought I'd also

I realize now that stracing my application, it's still hard to make
out what I actually need. For instance, Qt opens the Gtk platformtheme


But I know for sure that I don't need that one.

Is there anywhere where all of Qt's own plugins are listed with a
short description of their purpose/importance?


> ask here: When in general does Qt load its plugins? For some plugins
> (such as the platform plugin), I expect it to be quite early. But what
> about imageformat plugins, is there a policy that they be loaded as
> late as possible?
> In short I'm wondering if I must use every nook and cranny of the
> application during my strace run, to catch all plugins, or if it's
> enough to say wait until the QApplication and QMainWindow is up.
> Thanks in advance,
> Elvis

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