[Interest] QUndoStack

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 19:34:10 CEST 2016

2016-06-17 19:33 GMT+02:00 Elvis Stansvik <elvstone at gmail.com>:
> 2016-06-17 18:18 GMT+02:00 Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com>:
>> We are using the QUndoStack and when we "push()" onto the stack the actual
>> QUndoCommand is being executed. In the documentation is seems as though I
>> could set the "id" of the QUndoCommand to -1 and NOT have it executed but
>> after looking more close at the docs and the actual source code the
>> QUndoCommand will definitely be executed when pushed onto the stack. This
>> behavior does not make sense to me and I am probably missing something
>> simple about how to use the QUndoStack. Could someone offer an explanation
>> of why my command gets executed? And also how do I get my undocommand on the
>> stack **without** executing the command?
> I haven't used QUndoStack much myself, but to me what you describe
> does not make sense. An undo stack is supposed to represent what has
> happened (this history), so why should a command not be executed when

*the history.

> pushed? Is it that you have already executed it manually?
> Either way, I think a command will always be executed when pushed, so
> that's what you need to work with. The -1 id thing seems to be just
> for controlling the merging behavior.
> Elvis
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Michael A. Jackson
>> BlueQuartz Software, LLC
>> [e]: mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
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