[Interest] Assert in QCamera on winrt tablet

Maurice Kalinowski Maurice.Kalinowski at qt.io
Tue Jun 21 08:58:45 CEST 2016


First of all we need to know which version of Qt you are using? I have been doing quite a lot of update on the camera recently, with most (but not all) changes being in 5.6.1.

Some are in 5.6.2 and will be available in 5.7.1 as well, hence the question.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+maurice.kalinowski=qt.io at qt-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Rogerio Nicolau
> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 4:30 PM
> To: interest at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Interest] Assert in QCamera on winrt tablet
> Hello all
> I am getting the following assert when I call QCamera::start()
> ASSERT failure in bool __thiscall QWinRTCameraControl::setFocus(class
> QFlags<enum QCameraFocus::FocusMode>): "The application called an
> interface that was marshalled for a different thread.", file
> qwinrtcameracontrol.cpp, line 1163
> This is happening on winrt when using the BackFace camera (on a Dell Venue
> 8 pro tablet), even though when using the FrontFace camera it starts fine.
> Also works fine on Android and iOS.
> Does anyone have an idea on what might be happening? Is this something I
> am not doing or could this be an issue with Qt or Windows 10? I also
> wondered if it might be specific to the device, it's the only windows 10 tablet
> I have available at the moment.
> Thanks
> Rogério
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