[Interest] Enable sample buffers / samples on QGLWidget from Python

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 14:57:33 CEST 2016

Hi all,

Sorry if this is slightly off-topic.

I'm working with a QGLWidget-based widget. I know it's deprecated, but
I'm tied to it for the moment since I'm working with VTK (something
QOpenGLWidget-based will come eventually..).

I have a need to enable sample buffers and set the number of samples,
to enable anti-aliasing.

I thought I could do (self is the QGLWidget):

glFormat = self.format()

But realize now that setFormat has been made obsolete in Qt 5, and
PyQt as a policy does not wrap obsolete stuff.

Am I screwed or is there some other way to do this?

Thanks for any help,

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