[Interest] QGraphicsScene & removing item

Ch'Gans chgans at gna.org
Mon Jun 27 06:53:15 CEST 2016

Sorry, have triggered send accidentally:

On 26 June 2016 at 04:40, Igor Mironchik <igor.mironchik at gmail.com> wrote:
> My delete method is:
> void
> Form::deleteItems( const QList< QGraphicsItem* > & items )
> {

My feeling is you should try to remove as much logic as possible from
here, there are too many things hapenning in here.

> }

What about something along these lines:

Form::deleteObjects( const QList<FormObject*> &objects)
  auto command *cmd = new DeleteItemsCommand();
  cmd->setItems(...); // Or maybe setObject or setModelItems or ...

  // Logic here

Model::pushUndoCommand(UndoCommand *command)
  command->setModel(this); // Tie your command with a model
  m_undoStack->push(command); // Will cause QUndoCommand::redo() to be called

  emit aboutToDeleteItems()
  // update internal data, sync your stuff
  emit itemsDeleted();

// connect the model signals to some ad-hoc scene slots
  // Remove items from scene, maybe using a QMap<ModelItem*, SceneItem*>
  // or any other way to associate QGraphicsItem with ModelItems
 QList<QGraphicsItem*> items = graphicsItemsForModelItems(...)

My feeling is that you mix deletion/update/removal of items from both
a model and a QGraphicsScene and on top it's not clear who has
Maybe try to clearly separate your data models.

For a 'complex' graphical editor i'm working on, this is exactly what i do:
 - UI/Controller generates commands
 - commands are executed on a document
 - document emit signals similar to what a QAbstractItemModel does
 - The scene reacts to document changes and create/update/delete
QGraphicsItem to keep the scene in sync with the document (the model
in my case)
 - The QGraphicsView will automatically update the rendering of the scene.

It works like a charm. Requires to write a certain quantity of code
(and unit tests). But at the end it is very efficient, completely
de-coupled, very easy to use, and very reliable (no weird

My 2 cents.

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