[Interest] Upcoming mobile Qt features?

rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 20:48:22 CET 2016

Don't wait for anything.

Native code for Android and IOS.


On 3/14/2016 1:26 PM, Jason H wrote:
> I'm being asked for more modern features, I don't know where these are on the Qt roadmap?
> - TouchID/FingerprintManager:
>    Now that both mobile platforms have platform-level APIs for fingerprints, is Qt going to support them in some way?
> - Streaming video:
>    Capture, send, receive "live" video to enable real-time video chat, yes, like skype/google hangouts/facetime.
> Meanwhile, I'm still looking for Qt to abstract these mobile old-but-goodies:
> - Push notifications
> - Background operations
> - Screen wake-locking
> (I have a platform shim for those, but would just prefer to use a standard x-platform interface)
> Anyone know the 5.7/5.8 roadmap? The only mobile thing listed on the wiki is:
> - Android: Qt can now be used to easily create Android Services*
> * This seems to be an either-or. Not an app with services?
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