[Interest] Exposing nested visual properties in FocusScope (alias -> alias problem)

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 13:37:36 CET 2016

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a reusable component for a button. Right now I'm
trying to figure out focus handling (the app is keyboard navigation

I currently have the following structure (Button.qml):

    Rectangle {
        id: button

        property alias text: text.text
        property alias textPixelSize: text.font.pixelSize

        width: text.implicitWidth
        height: text.implicitHeight

        Text {
            id: text

Where I'm exposing the text and pixelSize properties of the text by
using property aliases, to be able to use it like:

Button {
    text: "Foo bar"
    textPixelSize: 42

This works fine. But now I'd like the component to be able to
participate in focus handling, so I wrap it in a FocusScope, e.g:

FocusScope {
    Rectangle {
        id: button
        focus: true

        property alias text: text.text
        property alias textPixelSize: text.font.pixelSize

        width: text.implicitWidth
        height: text.implicitHeight

        Text {
            id: text

Which should allow me to use it in other nested focus scopes at a
higher level in the visual tree

The problem now is that I must expose the button.text and
button.textPixelSize in the FocusScope, to be able to use the
component as before. But I can't use property aliases again, since a
property alias may not refer to another property alias.

Anyone know how I can get around this?

Thanks in advance,

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