[Interest] QML Repeater delegate not updating

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Tue Nov 8 19:15:04 CET 2016

I'm really getting all tangled up in the QML Model stuff. I really wish there was a way to make JS models behave properly within Qt Models. 

- When am I able to use modelData? (lists only? Why can't I  use modelData.property?) 
- When am I able to use anonymous property named directly? ("proper" models only?)
- When am I able to use listModel[index].property? (JS models)
- When am I required to use get(), set(), setProperty() ("proper models")

All that creates ambiguity on what model scheme I should be using. I'd argue that modelData should always be available to map to listModel[i] (or listModel.get(i)) This would allow someone like me who doesn't care so much about the model type to always be able to use modelData as a coding convention. It would also help avoid pain when changing the model type. 

Anyway, here is my current head scratcher:

I have a Repeater that contains a Text. When the model data is updated the text of the Text should change, but it doesn't.

ListModel {
id: listModel

Repeater {
id: repeater

Component {
id: repeaterDelegate
Text {
text: listModel.get(index).filename.length > 0 ? "Bye" : "Hello"  // <- when filename changes this does not update. Why is this not bindable?
// I'd like to write it as modelData.filename and have it work

... elsewhere...
listModel.setProperty(index, "filename", "something) // <- this should trigger the update

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