[Interest] QML Web Server on Qt

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Thu Nov 17 16:14:25 CET 2016

> I greet you dear developers! 
> Do you plan to add the ability in the future for creating Web Site wholly on QML and translate it to client from Qt Web server via QML - HTTP transformation?
> I tallking about technology, like ASP.NET...

ASP.net is not a client technology. For client technology, I suggest QMLWeb (already linked to & suggested by other replies)
If you are looking for server-side there is nothing, though I wonder about it:

TcpServer {
   PlainTextSocket {
       port: 80
      requestHandler: httpHandler // as opposed to FTP, etc.
   SslSocket {
      port: 443
      requestHandler:  httpHandler // as opposed to FTP, etc.
   HttpRequestHandler {
     id: httpHandler
     cookies: true
     onRequested(path, request, response) { // non standard syntax for illustration only
        router.route(url, request, response)
  Handler {
       id: router
       sessions: true
       UserHandler {    // generic
          path: "user"
          operations: Http.All
          Handler {
            operations: [Http.Get]
            onRequested(url, request, response) { } // do something app specific
          Handler {
            operations: [Http.Post, Http.Put]
       AccountHandler { // app specific, so all the code doesn't go in one file      
       LogoutHandler {

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