[Interest] SCXML editor in QtCreator

Bublitz, Wolf W.Bublitz at KROHNE.com
Tue Nov 29 13:44:41 CET 2016


I have tried out the SCXML editor plugin for the QtCreator. My first impression is very positive. The editor creates nicely looking state chart diagrams. There are only two downsides I have found so far:

1.       Events are currently not visible in the diagram.

2.       As far as I see it there is currently no possibility to add UML-like comments.

Are there plants to added these features in future releases?


Wolf Bublitz

KROHNE Innovation GmbH
Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5, 47058 Duisburg, Germany, Tel.: +49 (0) 203 301 0, Fax : +49 (0) 203 301 10 389, www.krohne.com
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Duisburg HRB 9313
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Attila Bilgic, Ingo Wald   

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