[Interest] ThreadedFortune example extending to send message forever

Nilesh Kokane nilesh.kokane05 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 18:13:51 CEST 2016


I extended Threaded fortune to send message in infinite loop as below,
but then it only send once and I get the socket error. I've not
changed the fortune client but I only press Get fortune once and
expect the message to be sent continuously which isn't a case.

Is it really needed to abort() the tcpSocket from the client side and
connectToHost per message? Doing so I get the incomingConnection and
removing the forever loop of the below function it works as expected?

void FortuneThread::run()

        QTcpSocket tcpSocket;
        QString temp_text =  text.at(qrand() % text.size());
        qDebug() << "text from thread" << temp_text;
        if (!tcpSocket.setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {
            emit error(tcpSocket.error());
            qDebug() <<  "socket error";
        QByteArray block;
        QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
        out << temp_text;
        //! [3] //! [4]



Any clue?

          Nilesh Kokane

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