[Interest] Qt 5.6LTS vs 5.7+

Tuukka Turunen tuukka.turunen at qt.io
Sun Sep 4 21:38:18 CEST 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Interest [mailto:interest-bounces+tuukka.turunen=qt.io at qt-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Roland Hughes
> Sent: sunnuntaina 4. syyskuuta 2016 21.14
> To: 2202873.hgKzyLeXCm at patux.local; Interests Qt <interest at qt-
> project.org>
> Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt 5.6LTS vs 5.7+
> >Qt 5.6 is for those who cannot upgrade. If you can upgrade, upgrade.
> >>How (un)likely is it that one can remain locked into 5.6 because of
> >>dependent code that doesn't build against 5.7+? Qt's backward
> >>compatibility principle should prevent that, no?
> It is extremely likely for development to remain locked to a version.

This is absolutely true. But what does it mean to keep using an outdated version in a connected system? How to ensure that the system remains secure? How to be able to bring new functionality (if / when) required by the customers? These issues may not happen for every system, but more and more will need to consider these. By being able to update the version of Qt framework regularly it becomes easier to address these issues, but of course there always are pro and cons. When creating a system, it is beneficial to make it so that it is feasible to regularly update it's components, including the Qt framework.



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