[Interest] Qt Versioning Questions

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Wed Sep 14 16:53:09 CEST 2016

So Qt has 3 codelines being maintained (AFAIK): 5.6 (LTS), 5.7, 5.8

I need fixes that are in 5.6.2. First question: When will those fixes from 5.6.2 be available in 5.7 and 5.8? Given the timing it looks like 5.6.2->5.7.1-5.8? 
Also I am waiting for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51133 to land in some version which will be my next used Qt version after 5.6.2. The change for 51133 is exposing "scaledFontSize" in the QML Text element. I understand this is an "API" change and can only be delivered in 5.8, though I don't think it would break binary compatibility? Is that correct? I also understand that 5.8 is approaching freeze, so will this land in 5.8 or will I have to wait another year to see it in 5.9? Given the amount of awesome going into 5.8, I'd like to see it there as I don't have anything in 5.7 of interest and I'd not like to wait a year to get this (I'd actually love to see it arrive in the 5.6 line) 

Many thanks.

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