[Interest] What don't you like about Qt?

Freddy Martinez Garcia freddy311082 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 19:05:22 CEST 2016

Hi Nate, I’m a macOS user and I hate Windows, but right now I’m involve in
a big project developed with QML, Qt Widgets and C++ (because we have
various apps for desktop and mobile).

In Windows I only had problem with the compiler from Visual Studio, which
has a lot of problem with the compatibilities with C++11/14 and we must use
it because MinGW (how in my opinion is much more better) has not support
for Qt Web Engine.

What is your problem wit Qt 5.7 in Windows ? Just to know if I have the
same problem  my friend?



*"El tamaño de tus logros depende del tamaño de tus metas." B.S. Computer
ScienceBuenos Aires, Argentina*

On September 18, 2016 at 1:48:54 PM, Ben Lau (xbenlau at gmail.com) wrote:

On 18 September 2016 at 21:56, Bob Hood <bhood2 at comcast.net> wrote:

> On 9/18/2016 2:43 AM, Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:
>> Some things that bother me :
>> * Features being QML-only instead of being usable from C++. I like coding
>> in C++ (but I agree it's hard).
> This is certainly arguable.  For some, I guess coding in C++ is hard.  For
> others, it's as natural as breathing.
> In fact, it leads to my particular issue: QML.  I waited a long time for
> Qt to reach a point where it was usable for mobile development, and I
> personally was disappointed with the declarative approach taken with QML.
> Aside from being somewhat out of character for the framework, it seems to
> have been a divisive approach, creating a separation not only between
> interface and code, but between languages!  Jean-Michaël's point
> abovehighlights that.
> I want to code mobile in a language I use on a daily basis for things
> other than just mobile.  I realize it is a great fit for some people, but
> unfortunately for me, QML isn't.  I've therefore had to turn my attention
> to Xamarin (especially now that it is integrated into Visual Studio).  I've
> never been much of a fan of C#, but it is certainly closer to C++ than QML.
> (No QML flame wars, please.  I'm just expressing my personal situation,
> not saying that QML isn't useful for some people.)
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Personally I don't mind to code in two languages. I would treat QML as an
interface builder language. (e.g the old .ui file or those xml files in
Android) But the hard problem is on the data sharing model between C++ and
QML/JS. QAbstractItemModel is an overkill solution. Many people may instead
chose QObjectListModel for sharing data. But I have too many bad experience
with it. It is too easy to crash and difficult to trace the problem.

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