[Interest] TextField_QMLTYPE_16 QVariant(Invalid) QRect(0, 0 0x0)

Alexandru Croitor alexandru.croitor at qt.io
Wed Sep 28 16:44:09 CEST 2016

You don't have to do anything with accessibility. It happens in qt internals, if Qt was compiled with accessibility support. 

> On 28 Sep 2016, at 16:38, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer, but I'm not doing anything with accessibility. :-/
>> Previously when I have seen these messages, it had to do with some accessibility property on the quick item, might be the case for you as well.
>> I can't recall from the top of my head which one it was, but you can iteratively go through the TextField and ancestors QML files, and try to comment out anything to do with Accessibility.
>> The workaround was then to set that property in your own code.
>>> On 28 Sep 2016, at 00:01, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:
>>> When I close my app, I get a lot of these dumped to the console. Why?
>>> Sometimes the _16 is _19, etc. 

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