[Interest] Tired of QML
Oleg Evseev
ev.mipt at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 14:36:11 CEST 2017
Hi Alexander,
First thing you need to understand that the apparent "order" like this
Item {}
Item {}
or that
Item {
Item {}
doesn't mean that items will be arrange as column (or maybe row).
This order is relevant only to Z coordinate, that means what item will be
on top of the other.
Please be patience to learn qml documentation about items positioning
and cross links inside them
About your cases:
#1 - header property of ListView automatically position header for you,
it's ok
#2, #3 it will not work, only separate DownloadListHeader is shown.
header: Component
This property holds the component to use as the header.
An instance of the header component is created for each view. The header is
positioned at the beginning of the view, before any items.
and as I mention this
Item {}
Item {}
does not mean column layout, so each of your item positioning by default -
in left top corner of parent so they overlaps
#4 works, cause header is component DownloadListHeader {} that will be
created and automatically positioned.
*But! *In fact there are two labels "Column #1" in same place in your
example! You even can also see this - text is little bold.
just delete downloadsViewHeader item, and you will get #1 case.
Alternative for using header property in your case will be using anchors:
DownloadListHeader {
id: downloadsViewHeader
ListView {
anchors.top: downloadsViewHeader.bottom
delegate: {...}
or alternatively using layouts:
Column {
DownloadListHeader {...}
ListView {...}
Please, for further aspects take a look into documentation.
With regards, Oleg.
2017-04-15 14:40 GMT+03:00 Alexander Dyagilev <alervdvcw at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> It seems to be a very non intuitive for me... :(
> I'm trying to create my own header for ListView as TableView does not
> exist in Quick Controls 2.
> ListView
> {
> header: DownloadListHeader{}
> delegate: DownloadListItem
> {
> preInfoColumnWidth: header.preInfoColumnWidth
> }
> }
> gives the following result:
> This:
> DownloadListHeader
> {
> id: downloadsViewHeader
> }
> ListView
> {
> header: downloadsViewHeader
> delegate: DownloadListItem
> {
> preInfoColumnWidth: header.preInfoColumnWidth
> }
> }
> gives:
> This:
> DownloadListHeader
> {
> id: downloadsViewHeader
> }
> ListView
> {
> header: downloadsViewHeader
> delegate: DownloadListItem
> {
> preInfoColumnWidth: downloadsViewHeader.preInfoColumnWidth
> }
> }
> Gives:
> Ooops, this:
> DownloadListHeader
> {
> id: downloadsViewHeader
> }
> ListView
> {
> header: DownloadListHeader {}
> delegate: DownloadListItem
> {
> preInfoColumnWidth: downloadsViewHeader.preInfoColumnWidth
> }
> }
> Gives the expected behaviour:
> Could somebody please explain me differences between all these variants?
> Right now, all this look crazy for me.
> Just in case. The remaining code:
> import QtQuick 2.7
> import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
> import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
> ToolButton
> {
> property int preInfoColumnWidth: 50
> text: "Column #1"
> height: 20
> }
> -------
> import QtQuick 2.7import QtQuick.Controls 2.0import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
> ItemDelegate
> { property int preInfoColumnWidth: 0
> height: 40
> Row { spacing: 10
> Row { width: preInfoColumnWidth
> CheckBox { } }
> Text { text: name width: 150 elide: Text.ElideRight anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
> Column { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: 80 spacing: 2
> Row { width: parent.width height: 10 Text { text: progress + "%"; anchors.left: parent.left} Text { text: timeLeft == "" ? "Paused" : timeLeft; anchors.right: parent.right} }
> ProgressBar { from: 0; to: 100; value: progress height: 10; width: parent.width } }
> Text { text: size + "MB" width: 50 elide: Text.ElideRight anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } }
> }
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