[Interest] Qt 5.9 Beta and MSVC

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 09:02:11 CEST 2017

Hello guys,

Great job. In Qt 5.9 Beta2 it is already fixed. Thank you.

17.04.2017 21:43, Igor Mironchik пишет:
> Hello folks,
> Did anybody install Qt 5.9 Beta official binaries for MSVC?
> Does qmake from Qt 5.9 Beta works for you in question of recognizing 
> compiler version?
> I want to say that if you have qmake subdirs project, let's name it 
> root.pro, with following content:
> TEMPLATE = subdirs
> SUBDIRS = src
> And in src you have src.pro with TEMPLATE = app
> Then in my case first run of qmake works fine and produces Makefile 
> and .qmake.stash file with following content at the end:
> In my case I use MSVC 14.
> This cashed values use in the next invocations of qmake. And in my 
> case it fails with:
> Project ERROR: msvc-version.conf loaded but QMAKE_MSC_VER isn't set
> Do you guys have the same issue?

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