[Interest] Code using QNetworkAccessManager::post() working on Linux but not on Mac

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Sun Aug 27 18:57:15 CEST 2017

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 01:47:49 PDT René J. V. Bertin wrote:
> Thiago Macieira wrote:
> >> I have no idea. I just note that the data with the current call is
> >> different from what QUrlQuery gives; I didn't try the QUrlQuery result
> >> because I have no idea of the potential implications of those
> >> differences.
> > 
> > Can you elaborate what comes out differently?
> QUrl::toPercentEncoding() encodes anything that doesn't look like isalnum
> unencoded data: "a=update&s=2.0&p=passphras/r=(Fake^Password)&v="
> QUrl::toPercentEncoding(dataToEncode, "&=") :
> "a=update&s=2.0&p=passphras%2Fr=%28Fake%5EPassword%29&v="
> QUrlQuery::toString() :
> "a=update&s=2.0&p=passphras/r%3D(Fake%5EPassword)&v="
> QUrlQuery::query() :
> "a=update&s=2.0&p=passphras/r%3D(Fake%5EPassword)&v="
> But again, even if those are exchangeable, why is QUrlQuery better? As far
> as I can tell I'd be using that class or QUrl to construct something that's
> not an URL. 

Because you're encoding something that is part of a URL's query. It's the same 

The difference is that the RFC allows certain characters to appear either 
encoded or unencoded (the case of the parentheses), while some others must 
always be encoded (the "^") and others must always be unencoded (alphabetic, 
numbers, etc.). QUrlQuery knows about that and leaves those characters alone, 
but QUrl::toPercentEncoding doesn't know any better and will encode them. 
Sometimes that encoding changes meaning.

The only thing that looks weird there is that QUrlQuery encoded the '=' in the 
value of "p" parameter. It needs to encode the '=' if it is in the key, but 
not the value.

> Something that could be done directly by
> {QString,QByteArray}::toPercentEncoding() if such a method existed. And at
> best I'd be replacing 2 calls to construct that data buffer with 2
> different calls. Or else 2 lines with 7.

Yes, but they are much more understandable 7 lines, rather tha one cryptic 
string. Not to mention that you need to get your encoding right manually, 
whereas QUrlQuery will do the right job for you.

> Maintainability is maybe a bit better with the API where each key/value pair
> is added individually. But this is not a case where anything is likely to
> change (or be refactored) often except possibly for the things that are
> already defined in macros.

Ok, now try setting a password that contains "&p=".

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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