[Interest] Qt Location GeoServices plugin to use geo-referenced image file as map source

Vlad Stelmahovsky vladstelmahovsky at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 13:24:20 CET 2017


take a look at OSM plugin. it contains custom providers and caching

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:19 AM, Richard Lang <richard at satco.co.nz> wrote:

> Repost of question asked on Qt Forums and raised as a feature request on
> the bug tracker...
> https://forum.qt.io/topic/85704/qt-location-geoservices-
> plugin-to-use-geo-referenced-image-file-as-map-source
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65018?jql=project%20%3D%20QTBUG
> ============================================================
> I'm currently working on a Qt Quick application that will provide a map
> viewer for a smallish area (1 square KM or so), the map details for which
> will be provided in a single geo-referenced image file (GeoTIFF,
> geo-referenced PDF, ESRI Shape file etc.), along with display of current
> location, operator identified points of interest etc. It's primarily
> responsibility is the display of custom maps (as opposed to generic maps
> retrieved from public map image service providers (OSM, MabBox, ESRI etc)),
> and it will often be used in areas with limited connectivity
> An extensive web search has identified others who have made similar
> enquiries in the past (in these forums, Stack Overflow etc), and the
> general suggestions for solutions are as follows:
>    - ArcGIS Runtime with Qt SDK *Doesn't work for me as down the track
>    I'm intending to target an embedded linux device using an ARM processor,
>    and ArcGIS doesn't make source available for cross-compilation for
>    arbitrary targets. They've recently produced an Android release, but
>    nothing for ARM linux in general)*
>    - QGIS developer libraries *GPL licence not compatible with my
>    commercial development*
>    - Use the Qt Location *Map* component with a local tile server or
>    offline tile collection,alongside a local tiling engine to create the
>    necessary tile set from the input image file.  *Seems a bit of a hack,
>    as noted I'm primarily using custom maps, as opposed to offline copies of
>    public map server images, and my images won't be big enough to otherwise
>    warrant tiling anyway*
> It would be feasible to develop a Qt Quick component from scratch to do
> this, but given that the existing Qt Location *Map* component provides a
> well defined pre-existing front end interface for everything my map would
> need to do and has an extendable plugin based architecture, writing a
> custom Qt Location GeoServices plugin seems the most sensible and elegant
> way forward.
> I've started examining the source code of the existing plugins, but can't
> shake the feeling that in a world containing 8 billion people, with
> "nothing new under the sun", this would have been done already if it was a
> good idea....
> Would anyone with more familiarity with the Qt Location module care to
> comment?
> thanks
> Richard
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Best regards,
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