[Interest] Can't deploy anymore on QtCretor 4.5

Xavier Bigand flamaros.xavier at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 15:12:34 CET 2017

I figured out how to fix the issue with playservices, but now I have a new
one :

Generating Android Package

Input file:

Output directory:

Application binary:

Android build platform: android-26

Install to device: No

The JavaCompile.setDependencyCacheDir() method has been deprecated and is
scheduled to be removed in Gradle 4.0.

The TaskInputs.source(Object) method has been deprecated and is scheduled
to be removed in Gradle 4.0. Please use
TaskInputs.file(Object).skipWhenEmpty() instead.

:preBuild UP-TO-DATE

:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE


:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE

















:compileDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE

:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE

:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE

:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE


Error: Failed to crunch file

:mergeDebugResources FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Execution failed for task ':mergeDebugResources'.

> Error: Failed to crunch file

* Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or
--debug option to get more log output.


For play services I had the line:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:11.0.4'

In the build.gradle files in the section dependencies, but I don't really
like to have a fixed version number that depend on my local configuration.

2017-12-09 11:42 GMT+01:00 Xavier Bigand <flamaros.xavier at gmail.com>:

> I got a lot more errors by doing that, so I put it back some of our
> configurations in the manifest while taking care of keeping changes of
> QtCreator, and I still have same errors.
> Sadly this workaround doesn't work for me.
> 2017-12-09 11:11 GMT+01:00 Nikos Chantziaras <realnc at gmail.com>:
>> I ran into issues myself going from 4.4 to 4.5. But I didn't delve too
>> long into solving them manually. What I did instead is take a complete
>> backup of my project (this should go without saying, obviously,) and then
>> delete the Android files. Then I regenerated the Android files and
>> re-applied my custom settings in the template editor.
>> This made sure gradle is used and everything built correctly.
>> In other words, there doesn't seem to be an actual upgrade path
>> implemented in Creator. I might be wrong, but the best solution seems to be
>> to wipe the Android directory and re-generate it.
>> The button that regenerates all the Android template files is a bit
>> hidden though:
>> * Click on the "Projects" icon in the left pane (the wench icon.)
>> * Select your Android Kit's "Build" entry.
>> * In the "Build Steps" group, click the "Details" button of the "Build
>> Android APK" entry. This will expand it.
>> * There should now be a "Create Templates" button.
>> On 09/12/17 11:55, Xavier Bigand wrote:
>>> Yes, but QtCreator 4.4 had a bug when we get the SDK from Android Studio
>>> instead of the stand alone version that is no more accessible.
>>> QtCreator 4.5 which support the SDK from Android Studio tells me that
>>> everything is ok with my Android configuration, but now with gradle instead
>>> of ant I can't deploy.
>>> We didn't do any change on the manifest file, so I don't understand the
>>> issue.
>>> 2017-12-09 8:47 GMT+01:00 Nikos Chantziaras <realnc at gmail.com <mailto:
>>> realnc at gmail.com>>:
>>>     You need to edit the Android manifest file, not the pro.user file.
>>>     Creator has a special editor dialog for it.
>>>     On 09/12/17 02:05, Xavier Bigand wrote:
>>>         Hello,
>>>         It seems to be a nice version, but I still have some trouble
>>>         when targeting Android, with the version 4.4 I had to edit the
>>>         .pro.user to make the deployment working by forcing the
>>>         BuildTargetSdk at android-26. But now it seems that something
>>>         different goes wrong, here is my output:
>>>         00:39:06: Le processus
>>>         "D:\Softs\SDK\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" s'est
>>>         terminé normalement.
>>>         00:39:06: Starting:
>>>         "D:\Softs\SDK\Qt\5.9.3\android_armv7\bin\androiddeployqt.exe"
>>>         --input
>>>         D:/Dev/Koalabs/HomeDesign3D/Projects/build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> /android-libHomeDesign3D.so-deployment-settings.json
>>>         --output
>>>         D:/Dev/Koalabs/HomeDesign3D/Projects/build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> /android-build
>>>         --deployment bundled --android-platform android-26 --jdk
>>>         "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_112" --gradle
>>>         Generating Android Package
>>>             Input file:
>>>         D:/Dev/Koalabs/HomeDesign3D/Projects/build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> /android-libHomeDesign3D.so-deployment-settings.json
>>>             Output directory:
>>>         D:/Dev/Koalabs/HomeDesign3D/Projects/build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> /android-build/
>>>             Application binary:
>>>         D:/Dev/Koalabs/HomeDesign3D/Projects/build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> /libHomeDesign3D.so
>>>             Android build platform: android-26
>>>             Install to device: No
>>>         The JavaCompile.setDependencyCacheDir() method has been
>>>         deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 4.0.
>>>         The TaskInputs.source(Object) method has been deprecated and is
>>>         scheduled to be removed in Gradle 4.0. Please use
>>>         TaskInputs.file(Object).skipWhenEmpty() instead.
>>>         :preBuild UP-TO-DATE
>>>         :preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
>>>         :checkDebugManifest
>>>         :prepareDebugDependencies
>>>         :compileDebugAidl
>>>         :compileDebugRenderscript
>>>         :generateDebugBuildConfig
>>>         :generateDebugResValues
>>>         :generateDebugResources
>>>         :mergeDebugResources
>>>         :processDebugManifest
>>>         D:\Dev\Koalabs\HomeDesign3D\Projects\build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> \android-build\AndroidManifest.xml:78:5-66
>>>         Warning:
>>>         Element uses-permission#android.permission.INTERNET at
>>>         AndroidManifest.xml:78:5-66 duplicated with element declared at
>>>         AndroidManifest.xml:67:9-71
>>>         D:\Dev\Koalabs\HomeDesign3D\Projects\build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> \android-build\AndroidManifest.xml:80:5-80
>>>         Warning:
>>>         Element
>>>         uses-permission#android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE at
>>>         AndroidManifest.xml:80:5-80 duplicated with element declared at
>>>         AndroidManifest.xml:68:5-81
>>>         D:\Dev\Koalabs\HomeDesign3D\Projects\build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> \android-build\AndroidManifest.xml:85:5-78
>>>         Warning:
>>>         Element uses-permission#android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
>>>         at AndroidManifest.xml:85:5-78 duplicated with element declared
>>>         at AndroidManifest.xml:69:5-79
>>>         D:\Dev\Koalabs\HomeDesign3D\Projects\build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> \android-build\build\intermediates\manifests\full\debug\Andr
>>> oidManifest.xml:173:28-65:
>>>         AAPT: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value'
>>>         with value '@integer/google_play_services_version').
>>>         D:\Dev\Koalabs\HomeDesign3D\Projects\build-HomeDesign3D-Andr
>>> oid_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_9_3_for_Android_armv7-Debug
>>> \android-build\build\intermediates\manifests\full\debug\Andr
>>> oidManifest.xml:171:
>>>         error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at
>>>         'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version').
>>>         :processDebugResources FAILED
>>>         FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>         * What went wrong:
>>>         Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.
>>>           > com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Failed to
>>>         execute aapt
>>>         * Try:
>>>         Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with
>>>         --info or --debug option to get more log output.
>>>         Does someone have any idea on how to fix that?
>>>         --         Xavier
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     Interest mailing list
>>>     Interest at qt-project.org <mailto:Interest at qt-project.org>
>>>     http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
>>>     <http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest>
>>> --
>>> Xavier
>> _______________________________________________
>> Interest mailing list
>> Interest at qt-project.org
>> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
> --
> Xavier

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