[Interest] Documented way of building QSQLITE plugin does not work anymore

Benjamin TERRIER b.terrier at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 10:07:11 CEST 2017


Following Qt 5.9 release, I have found a documented use case that does not
work anymore.

My need is that I have a customized SQLite 3 dll. Therefore I need to
rebuild the qsqlite plugin.
Up to Qt 5.6, it could be done by following Qt documentation (

> Alternatively, you can build it manually (replace $SQLITE with the directory where SQLite <http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsql-attribution-sqlite.html> resides):
>     cd $QTDIR/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite    qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=$SQLITE/include" "LIBS+=-L$SQLITE/lib -lsqlite"
>     make
I did this directly in the "Src" package provided by the Online Installer.

Now with Qt 5.9, it does not work anymore. From what I have seen it is
because of changes made in the configuration system and pro files.

Because Qt was never fully configured (As I do not do a complete Qt build),
the project defaults to use the sqlite library provided in Qt source package
and my own sqlite library gets completely ignored (qsqlite plugin does not
depends on my sqlite dll).

In the end I had  to edit sqlite.pro and remove this part:

qtConfig(system-sqlite) {
>     QMAKE_USE += sqlite
> } else {
>     #include($$PWD/../../../3rdparty/sqlite.pri)
> }

With this part removed I have the same behavior as before and can build my
qsqlite plugin.

Is the new behavior a bug and should be fixed. Or is it the documentation
that should have been changed because the use case
is not supposed to be supported anymore?



Benjamin Terrier
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