[Interest] How to make a GridView that allows scrolling and culling in 2D?

Nuno Santos nunosantos at imaginando.pt
Thu Mar 2 11:28:28 CET 2017


I need a control that works like GridView in the sense that it does frustum culling. I need to be able to efficiently display a model with more than 2000 Quick Items but aren’t all visible at the same time.

GridView does this quite well but has a huge limitation for my case, it will always flow after its width or height is reached, therefore, it’s culling only works in 1D.

I’m wondering if I’m able to achieve the same performance doing a Qml item that does this frustum culling using a Flickable, a Flow and a Repeater. And if this is possible, what kind of element should I use as delegate? 

Would this be possible in Qml or I would need to do that in C++? 

Please advise. 



Nuno Santos

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