[Interest] Semi transparent background for contextual menu
Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal
etienne.sandre at m4x.org
Thu Mar 16 22:34:51 CET 2017
That's because a context menu is a system level window, not a widget.
And what you call focus is in fact not focus, but active window. See
You create such a window by creating a QWidget with no parent and a
QWidget(0, Qt::Popup);
2017-03-16 15:56 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Krieger <
nicolas.krieger-medecom29 at orange.fr>:
> Hi,
> I try to have a contextual menu with a semi-transparent background. I
> didnt manage to to it with QMenu, so I decided to use a custom widget.
> I have no problem to have a widget with a semi-transparent background, I
> just changed the alpha of the background color.
> My problem is that I want this widget to behave like a contextual menu,
> that is to say, I want it to be closed when focus is lost. But this is lot
> as soon as I clic on a children-widget of this menu. I don't know how to do.
> Nicolas Krieger
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