[Interest] Future of Qt [was: Future of Qt3d]

Alexander Ivash elderorb at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 11:54:06 CET 2017

This is really confusing.

>From one side,

>> What you **don't** say is, that you "genuinely wish to treat the Qt
>> Project as an Open Governance project and that external contributions
>> are welcomed and valued."
>> There must be a reason not to write this sentence.
> Because it goes without saying.

> Correct, it does go without saying.

.... but from the other:

> The Open Governance model is the foundation of how we develop Qt. It offers tremendous value to our users and customers. It’s also one of the big items that differentiates Qt from all it’s competitors. And changing that would be negative for everybody, including The Qt Company.
> So, speaking for The Qt Company: No, there are definitely no plans to change that.

So what does it mean in total? Qt stays Open Governance-driven, but no
'genuinely' ? Or genuinely but external contributions are not
welcomed? :)

p.s. This is not trolling of any kind, I'm really confused.

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