[Interest] QML vs Electron

Sylvain Pointeau sylvain.pointeau at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 19:23:39 CEST 2018

On Tue, 20 Feb 2018 at 12:58, René Hansen <renehh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Taxing big corporate use, while exempting smalltime adoption, even
> commercial, might be the way to go. This is just speculation on my part
> though, I have no idea how a licensing scheme like this would work in
> practice.

This was exactly my issue. I have an idea for a phone / tablet app and I
really wanted to go with Qt but ~500 euros per month was a no go (for all
people involved)

I have chosen react native instead. Microsoft has even developed a version
for desktop. they also developed ReactXP (xp meaning for x platforms) to
have a single source for all platforms (based on react native) and they use
it for skype.

I would have chosen Qt but the license is just not good. I guess only a
free access can make the community growing.

I also see that Qt is now more active on embedded system. Maybe the desktop
has no market anymore? even Oracle prefers to focus on microservices.

after all Qml is javascript based, because it was simpler and more
flexible. React Native also has the same principle, except that native
components are used at the end.

Flutter seems very similar to Qt, except that it compiles to native. I did
not like that there is no desktop and that we must instantiate different
component for ios or android.

and no, I did not choose react native because what-so-ever on javascript, I
chose it because of the rationale above, it was a compromise.

ps: and if the web is a preferred approach, it is not for all arguments I
have read, but for the simplicity of deployment and access control.

Best regards,
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