[Interest] Qt Quick Controls 1 deprecated but no native styles for Qt Quick Controls 2?

Dimitar Dobrev dpldobrev at protonmail.com
Fri Dec 7 11:31:35 CET 2018

Thank you for your suggestion, Jean-Michaël, it might be - or might've been - useful. But I'm afraid your very suggestion contains the problems which would arise if we don't get official support. A little dependence on KDE, a little tweaking of fonts - 20 more a littles and all hell breaks loose. So this is not an issue any 3rd party can properly solve, we need native styles in Qt Quick Controls 2 itself.

On 7.12.18 11:57, Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:

> (Reposting as per the wishes of OP, sorry for the déjà-vu)
> I've used this for desktop style (before they tied it to other KDE libs - looking at you, ExtraCmakeModules) : https://github.com/KDE/qqc2-desktop-style
> It works fine for me (though you have to mingle a bit with the font settings to get the exact same text rendering than on QWidget in my experience)
> ------- Jean-Michaël Celerier
> http://www.jcelerier.name
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 10:21 AM Dimitar Dobrev via Interest <interest at lists.qt-project.org> wrote:
>> Please disregard my previous e-mail, actually, delete it if possible. I mean "Qt Quick Controls 1" rather than "Qt Quick 1".
>> This e-mail is a better version of [the comments I've left](https://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/12/06/qt-5-12-lts-released/).
>> [The release notes for Qt 5.12](https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.12) worry me quite a little. They say that Qt Quick Controls 1 is deprecated. There's a single but key reason this is extremely bad news. And this reason is the lack of native styles in Qt Quick Controls 2. This alone renders Qt Quick Controls 2 useless for building decent desktop applications. This in turn means our only option remains Qt Widgets - a piece of technology which is like a horse carriage. Good for its time but useless in the era of automobiles. The very notion of suggesting that for desktop development in 2018 we would be deprived of a simple declarative language for GUI, a flexible scripting language to match, GPU-based optimizations and all other wonderful features Qt Quick has to offer - is ridiculous at best. If it's true that Qt Quick Controls 1 is deprecated and Qt Quick Controls 2 won't get native styles any time soon, this simply means Qt has severely regressed in its offerings to developers.
>> In addition, I have tracked Qt Quick from its very beginning in 2010 and I clearly remember you, the Qt developers, advertised Qt Quick as the new generation of tools and technologies for building graphical user interfaces. You said Qt Widgets was not (yet) deprecated but fully finished and would receive few new features and basic optimizations. I hope you will spare me effort of quotations in support of that above because I think such actions would be rather ugly. You know what I'm talking about. I see this as an additional problem to the one described in my first paragraph. You have made a promise and repeated that promise for years. If Qt Quick Controls 1 is no more and so are native styles, there's unfortunately one conclusion - that you have reneged on this promise.
>> I am asking of the entire community of developers and management of Qt - please prove me wrong. Please assure me I'm overreacting. Please tell me Qt Quick Controls 2 is going to get native styles so that we have the outstanding Qt Quick Controls 2 for the desktop again.
>> Best regards,
>> Dimitar Dobrev
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