[Interest] Bluetooth on Windows 10
maitai at virtual-winds.org
Tue Jul 24 16:59:48 CEST 2018
Hi Oliver,
No the 2 machines are not paired with anything. I've tried pairing the
Android Phone with the Windows machine just to check that the BT device
is OK, that worked, but I have removed all connections after that.
Le 24-07-2018 14:00, Oliver Wolff a écrit :
> Hi Philippe,
> are the two machines paired? Windows API does not allow pairing them,
> so the initial pairing has to be using the system UI.
> Olli
> On 24/07/2018 10:32, maitai wrote:
>> Thanks Alex,
>> I have done that, but although it seems to do things, I cannot make it
>> work on Windows (server or client). It works finally between a Mac and
>> an Android device.
>> For instance if I run the BT discovery example I get:
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: Worker started
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: BT scan completed
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: BTLE scan completed
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: onBluetoothLEDeviceFound: No device given
>> And nothing is found (it actually finishes the scan almost
>> immediately, which I believe is not a good sign).
>> For the pingpong example as a server it gives:
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: Port 1 registered
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registering Uuid attribute
>> with length 16
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: Registering sequence attribute
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registering Uuid attribute
>> with length 2 "{00001002-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}"
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registered sequence
>> attribute with length 3
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: Registering sequence attribute
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registering Uuid attribute
>> with length 2 "{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}"
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registered sequence
>> attribute with length 3
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: bool __cdecl
>> repairProfileDescriptorListIfNeeded(class
>> Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer>
>> &) Repairing profile descriptor list
>> qt.bluetooth.winrt: class Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<struct
>> ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer> __cdecl
>> bufferFromAttribute(const class QVariant &) Registering attribute of
>> type QMetaType::QString
>> I tried with 2 windows machines, making sure they are discoverable,
>> etc. The mac machine detects the Windows machine, but not the
>> opposite.
>> Probably I am doing something wrong, still investigating.
>> Philippe
>> Le 24-07-2018 10:13, Alex Blasche a écrit :
>>> Adding
>>> QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules(QStringLiteral("qt.bluetooth* =
>>> true"));
>>> to your main() might help.
>>> -- Alex
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Interest
>>> <interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=qt.io at qt-project.org> on behalf
>>> of
>>> maitai <maitai at virtual-winds.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, 23 July 2018 6:34:15 PM
>>> To: Interest at qt-project.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Interest] Bluetooth on Windows 10
>>> Ok, thanks Alex for the clear answer, that is a great news.
>>> I have tried the pingpong-bluetooth example and couldn't make it
>>> work. I
>>> tried various machines (2 Windows 10/1803, 1 Windows/1 Android, 1
>>> Mac/1
>>> Android, etc), I do not see any debug or strange messages but the
>>> client
>>> never finds the server (Qt 5.11.1).
>>> Now that I know that it should work I will dig deeper
>>> Thanks again
>>> Philippe.
>>> Le 23-07-2018 17:17, Alex Blasche a écrit :
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Interest
>>>>> <interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=qt.io at qt-project.org> On
>>>>> Behalf Of maitai
>>>>> I have already read many posts on this topic, but I cannot
>>>>> understand
>>>>> the
>>>>> following statement in the documentation:
>>>>> "Despite there not being a Win32 port yet, the WinRT backend is
>>>>> automatically
>>>>> used if the win32 target platform supports the required WinRT APIs.
>>>>> Minimal
>>>>> requirement is Windows 10 version 1507 with slightly improved
>>>>> service
>>>>> discovery
>>>>> since Windows 10 version 1607. Therefore Windows 7 and 8.x targets
>>>>> are
>>>>> excluded."
>>>> The Win32 build will silently use WinRT-only API to enable this
>>>> feature. This works because we can assume that the relevant windows
>>>> builds have the required API. There is a runtime check that guards
>>>> the
>>>> implementation.
>>>>> Does it mean QBluetooth (regular) will work on Windows 10 version
>>>>> 1803
>>>>> out of
>>>>> the box?
>>>> Yes, it should.
>>>> -- Alex
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