[Interest] QSerialPort::ResourceError not send on device reset

Jérôme Godbout godboutj at amotus.ca
Wed Jun 20 23:15:01 CEST 2018


I'm facing a problem with Windows 7 and 8 platforms (Windows 10 and Linux ok). Where I send a reset command to an usb serial device. The device does reboot properly and with windows 10 and Linux I get the QSerialPort::ResourceError from the errorOccurred signal. Under Windows 7 and 8, I don't get the signal.

Is there any work around to known the device have been reset? So I can close and reopen the port? Keeping the port and continue R/W is not working and the dongle doesn'T receive anything but the software is not aware of that for those platform.

Note: I have QThread that does the R/W on the serial port without thread loop, but this work with other platforms, so I think it should not matter.

thanks, regards,

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