[Interest] Web MIDI on WebEngine

Sina Dogru sina.dogru at ableton.com
Tue Nov 6 17:26:44 CET 2018

Hello everyone,

I wonder if anyone tried to use Web MIDI on WebEngine? I just tried to run a simple program to test if the api exists and works which looks like this,

if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) {
    console.log('Browser supports MIDI!');
        .then(success, failure);
else {
    console.warn('Browser not supports MIDI!');

function success (midi) {
    console.log('Got midi!', midi);

function failure () {
    console.error('No access to your midi devices.')

and the output was:

Browser supports MIDI!
No access to your midi devices.

So seems like the API exists since the first if-statement gets executed but for some reason requesting MIDI access, requestMIDIAccess, doesn't work. Oh, btw, I grant all feature requests by calling grantFeaturePermission function which looks like this,

WebEngineView {
    onFeaturePermissionRequested: {
        grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, feature, true)

So my question, does WebEngine supports Web MIDI? If yes, do I need to do a specific configuration or build to make it work?

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