[Interest] qmake with release config is called for debug build

Alexander Dyagilev alervdvcw at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 09:27:56 CET 2018


I'm using the following .pri file:

win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
   VC_RUNTIME_FOLDER="c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 
   copyFilesToDestdir($$VC_RUNTIME_FOLDER, "msvcp140.dll")

It's supposed to copy msvcp140.dll to build folder for Release 
configuration (so it will be included into the installer then).

I do not need this msvcp140.dll to be copied to my Debug folder when I'm 
working on the project. But it does copy it.

1) Remove file
2) Run qmake on project (active configuration is Debug).

Result: file is copied.

Can anything be done here except the using of QMAKE_POST_LINK here 
instead? Why is CONFIG(release, debug|release) "not working" here?

Some details below:

copyFilesToDestdir is defined in macros.pri:

defineTest(copyFilesToDestdir) {
     pathSrc = $$1
     files = $$2
     folderDst = $$DESTDIR
     subfolder = $$3
     !isEmpty(subfolder) {

     DEST = $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/$$folderDst)

     for(filename, files) {
         FILE = $$shell_path($$pathSrc/$$filename)
         system($$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$FILE) $$shell_quote($$DEST))

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