[Interest] [Qt3D] Error: uniform variables in fragment shader do not fit in vectors

Oleg Evseev ev.mipt at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 12:28:38 CET 2018

Hi all,

Trying to run simple-cpp 3d application on ARM embedded Linux against Qt
5.9.5 got the error:

QOpenGLShader::link: Error: uniform variables in fragment shader do not fit
in 222 vectors.

According to

> Fragment shaders can access uniforms belonging to the current shader
object. The amount  of  storage  available  for  fragment  shader  uniform
variables  is specified by the implementation-dependent constant

> This value represents the number of four-element floating-point, integer,
or boolean vectors that can be held in uniform variable storage for a
fragment shader. A link error will be generated if an attempt is made to
utilize more than the space available for fragment shader uniform variables

So I wonder why simple 3d application can't fit in?

Thanks in advanced for help.

With regards, Oleg.
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