[Interest] most Android Apps will freeze on Qt 5.12.0 (QTBUG-72101)

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Fri Nov 30 14:04:41 CET 2018

thx - I'm sure I'll come back with questions next week after 5.12
release ;-)
must work on macOS

Am 30.11.18 um 13:58 schrieb coroberti .:
> Hi Ekke,
> I was once building Qt for Android at 5.3, and this is was I did that time:
> git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt5.git qt5
> cd qt5
> perl init-repository
> ./configure -prefix /home/robert/dev/qtlib-5.3.1p-arm -xplatform
> android-g++ -nomake tests -nomake examples -android-ndk
> /home/robert/dev/android-ndk-r9d -android-sdk
> /home/robert/dev/android-sdk-linux -android-ndk-host linux-x86 -skip
> qttranslations -skip qtwebkit -skip qtserialport -skip
> qtwebkit-examples -no-qml-debug -no-warnings-are-errors -openssl
> -I/home/robert/dev/openssl-1.0.1e/include
> #For x86 builds add:
> #-android-arch x86
> I hope it could be some start.
> You can also look at the building scripts of Qt which are supposed to
> be in some location.
> Kind regards,
> Robert
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 2:42 PM ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org> wrote:
>> Am 29.11.18 um 16:53 schrieb Jason H:
>> Can you override onPause() for your activity and close the keyboard so it's avoids the problem state?
>> have tried Jason's suggestion and set InputMessageManager HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY on onPause(),
>> but this doesn't help.
>> any other ideas HowTo workaround this bug ?
>> thx
>> ekke
>> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 10:15 AM
>> From: ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org>
>> To: "interest at qt-project.org" <interest at qt-project.org>
>> Subject: [Interest] most Android Apps will freeze on Qt 5.12.0 (QTBUG-72101)
>> unfortunately the patch from https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72101 doesn't make it into Qt 5.12 Release :(
>> this means: most Android Apps will not work - you have to wait for 5.12.1 in January 2019
>> this is the bug:
>> use Android Keyboard
>> later tap Home Button to resume
>> re-open Android App - FREEZE - never resumes
>> seems I have to learn HowTo build Qt by myself and add the patch...
>> ekke
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