[Interest] Sample Code for Apple TV and Apple Watch Qt Garage demos at Qt World Summit 2016

Mike Krus mike.krus at kdab.com
Thu Oct 18 15:32:02 CEST 2018

Apple Watch’s public API does not support UIKit so there’s no QPA plugin available. As Jake's demo shows, qtcore works fine for low level work like networking, but the UI must be done using native toolkits.

tvOS works fine. Widgets don’t build by default but can be enabled (they are unusable though).
Main issue (including for QtQuick) is due to how input works with the controller. Never got around to implementing some generic solution.


> On 18 Oct 2018, at 14:13, Jeffrey Brendecke <jeffrey.brendecke at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 17, 2018, at 19:24, Christophe THOMAS <oxygen77.ct at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Pretty interested too in having some qt code running on an Apple Watch. My current understanding is that displaying something is hard and anyway qwidget and qml is not feasible?
>> Thx
>> Christophe
>> Le 17 oct. 2018 à 14:38, Jeffrey Brendecke <jeffrey.brendecke at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hello Christophe,
> I don't know about widgets, but it is possible for a QML application to run on AppleTV. Like iOS, AppleTV is based on UIKit, and has a very large overlap with what is available on iOS.
> To do that you need to compile Qt for AppleTV. As far as I know, it is still considered in Technical Preview, with all that is entailed with that limitation. Additionally, there are Apple-imposed limitations regarding storage on the device.
> Navigation does not work with QML out of the box, so there is some work that needs to be done there.
> Here are some links that may be of help:
> http://blog.qt.io/blog/2017/01/30/whats-new-in-qt-on-apple-platforms/
> https://www.kdab.com/creating-qt-5-port-apple-tvos/
> https://wiki.qt.io/Support_for_iOS_and_tvOS
> Also, there is the Qt example planets-qml. Take a look in the code. Navigation and interaction with the Sliders is implemented using QML/JavaScript. It's a little raw in its feel, but it does work. Ideally, the swipe gestures would need to be trapped in Objective-C.
> I have not tried QML on the AppleWatch, but the planets-qml sample has a non-Qt working implementation that interacts with the main sample app. WatchKit is not based on UIKit so there is no visual support as far as I know, but Qt could potentially be used for business logic. Please check the code in the planets-watchos directory of the sample planets-qml.
> This link points to a comparative discussion of WatchKit:
> https://nshipster.com/watchkit/
> Jeffrey
>>>> On Oct 17, 2018, at 14:20, Mike Krus <mike.krus at kdab.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 17 Oct 2018, at 12:52, Jeffrey Brendecke <jeffrey.brendecke at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Would anyone know where I could find the sample code from these demos?
>>>>> http://www.qtworldsummit.com/2016/discover-future-concepts-and-real-world-products-from-the-qt-garage/
>>>>> Apple TV with Qt
>>>>> – Apps & Multiplayer Games on iOS, Apple TB and Android by V-play
>>>>> iOS and watchOS with Qt
>>>>> – Displaying watch app controlling Qt 3D Planets over the local network
>>>> I believe this one is part of actual qt3d, although I can’t remember for sure if the patch was merged or not
>>>> Mike
>>> Thanks, Mike!
>>> Yes, everything appears to be there in the planets-qml example.
>>> Jeffrey
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Mike Krus | mike.krus at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company
Tel: UK Office +44 1625 809908   Mobile +44 7833 491941
KDAB - The Qt Experts, C++, OpenGL Experts

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