[Interest] MapboxGL offline and custom vector tiles source
maitai at virtual-winds.org
Mon Dec 23 09:46:22 CET 2019
Yes it includes texts, images (icons), and many kinds of shapes
(polygons filled with patterns, etc).
I am trying to play with geojson for a week or so to see if it fits my
needs, but I am facing some issues with polygons, maybe this is on my
side so I need to investigate more.
Is there a clean way to prevent the plugin to try to download tiles from
mapbox or elsewhere and just use custom layers, paints, layouts
MapParameters? For the time being I am putting a dummy
mapboxgl.mapping.additional_style_urls parameter (http://none) but this
is not very clean...
Le 23-12-2019 02:05, Paolo Angelelli a écrit :
> Hi, a semi-OT reply:
> do your own geojson tiles include text or are you only going to
> display geometric
> shapes in the map?
> Asking because since 5.14 there's some GeoJson support, and, together
> with a custom model
> that could be used to populate a map with custom vectors
> On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 17:22:25 +0100
> maitai <maitai at virtual-winds.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We would like to serve custom vector tiles, ideally though an API call
>> or eventually a local server/stream. We don't want to add data or
>> layers
>> to an existing mapbox chart, but rather respond to tile queries by
>> sending our own geojson tiles. We have already done that for OSM
>> plugin
>> (with raster tiles), but we don't really know where to start with
>> concerning mapbox vector tiles.
>> The tiles are not stored in a database or mbtiles, but need to be
>> generated on request.
>> What would be the best approach to achieve that?
>> Thanks for any tip
>> Philippe.
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