[Interest] Replacement for Qt4 QMatrix4x4?

Matthew Woehlke mwoehlke.floss at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 17:24:06 CET 2019

On 22/02/2019 04.08, Paolo Angelelli wrote:
> You aren't telling us much, except that you need to invert it and multiply points with it.
> If QtPositioning-private is an acceptable dependency instead of pulling in eigen (or others),
> you could probably get away with the private QDoubleMatrix4x4 that is in there, basically
> a double QMatrix4x4.

No... I'm developing *with* Qt. I'm not developing Qt itself :-).

Mostly, I was surprised that QGenericMatrix has no method to invert the
matrix. (Obviously such method would be conditional on square matrices,


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