[Interest] [#ID:INC-1251018#] Installation issue.

Bill Crocker william.crocker at analog.com
Mon Mar 11 12:14:02 CET 2019

> If you are installing onto RHEL 6 as indicated in the case settings then this is not supported
>which would explain why it is having this problem, Qt was built on RHEL 7.4 for 
Qt 5.12 as indicated here:
>    https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html
> so you will need to upgrade in order to be able to use Qt 5.12 on RHEL I am afraid.

Unfortunately "I" am not a "You". "I" am a large corporation, subject to the OS 
by my significant software vendors. Even if I did want to move to a new version
of RHEL, that is a significant process, involving many thousands of machines
that would take over a year.


I assume the requirement for RHEL7 is due to a small number
of features that I could not care less about, that most desktop
developers could not care less about.


If you can build with GCC 4.8 on "Generic Linux" why does
RHEL7 require GCC 5.3.1


So, I guess I have to stick with 5.9 (LTS)



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