[Interest] iOS: TrueDepthImages and Qt

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Fri Apr 17 05:02:17 CEST 2020

Nevermind. I got it. It is very picky about
	/* these must be after the inputs and outputs are set up */
	output.depthDataDeliveryEnabled = YES;
	photoSettings.depthDataDeliveryEnabled = YES;
	/* but before the session is started */

> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 4:13 PM
> From: "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com>
> To: "interestqt-project.org" <interest at qt-project.org>
> Subject: [Interest] iOS: TrueDepthImages and Qt
> I am trying to acquire TrueDepthCamera images from the device (Front Facing camera+Depth)
> All the examples are in Swift, which is a problem because Qt Can't use Swift and I'm as good at Swift as I am Obj-C which is to say not much.
> Still, I have gotten images (without depth) to capture, even though I think I asked for it.
> -[CaptureDelegate captureOutput:didFinishProcessingPhoto:error:] size 0 0 NSObject(0x0) 0
> -[CaptureDelegate captureOutput:didFinishProcessingPhoto:error:] no depthData provided
> -[CaptureDelegate captureOutput:didFinishProcessingPhoto:error:] no error
> Interestingly, Qt is reacting to it sometimes, after capturing it goes into StartingStatus.
> Has anyone trued to get TrueDepth working with Qt? Des anyone know of a Obj-C TrueDepth example?
> Many thanks in advance!
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