[Interest] Stepping into Qt sources (Qt 5.14, MinGW 64-bit)

Dmitriy Purgin dpurgin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 22:35:10 CET 2020

I agree with Ulf, sometimes stepping into release sources gives you a rough
idea of what is going on, assess whether you can fix it and if it is
reasonable to go through the whole process of building/debugging your own
Qt version. That's not what I usually do in my work, so it takes an effort.


On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 5:31 PM Ulf Hermann <ulf.hermann at qt.io> wrote:

> > Stepping into -O2 builds (-O3 for QtCore and QtGui) is painful at best.
> The
> > debug information we provide is not usable for more than getting
> backtraces to
> > help the developer solving issues.
> Stepping into optimized builds is kind of an annoyance but, at least for
> me, it is much less of a pain than you make it sound. When I'm are
> looking for the kind of bugs that only occur in release builds, due to
> some race condition or some optimization/UB my code didn't account for,
> it is _very_ handy to have the debug symbols for the officially
> distributed builds. Also, the above mentioned backtraces alone are worth
> every single byte of debuginfo we provide. Therefore, debug symbols for
> release builds are important and QTBUG-81354 needs to be fixed.
> Ulf
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