[Interest] I love QML

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Thu Jul 2 17:23:36 CEST 2020

I know I spend a lot of time talking about inadequacies of Qt, but it's out of love. Since discovering Qt back in oh, 2001 when I was writing MFC apps, I have come to love the toolkit despite its rough edges. I have been assigned to port our Qt/QML app to Swift. And let me say what a joy it is working with Qt/QML.
- The ability to use JSON inline, and as a proper JavaScript Object is a huge feature that I did not appreciate previously.
- The property bindings system eliminates so much code and the automatic evaluation of bindings is phenomenal.
- The lack of a separated view and view controller makes reusable components even easier.
- The fact that I don't need to use UI machinations in a UI builder to build an app (I'm looking at you, @IBOutlet) is another joy
- The fact that Qt types don't seemingly duplicate each other in quirky ways (UIColor, CGColor)
- I could go on...

I know Qt is going to offer an alternative to JS, but unless it has all those features (mainly the in-line JSON in actual JSON) I am likely to stay with the JavaScript version.

A big big Thank You to the Qt team!

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