[Interest] I love QML

Jérôme Godbout godboutj at amotus.ca
Thu Jul 2 17:50:19 CEST 2020

+1 totaly agree, we often forget to praise Qt for the great work. I have been through many framework (MFC, Xaml, wxWidgets, Xamarin...) but my favorite is still Qt with Qml. The binding often leverage the need for those view model or model convert to adapt to the view. The fact that I can have most of my lib (algo, GUI, controler...) into reusable code between desktop, mobile, embedded Yocto is such a huge win. I cannot wait for Qt 6 and C++ binding, seriously it's probably the feature I'm most looking forward to, remove those conditional connect or complex (mostly hard to maintain) flow around connect.

Long live Qt 😉

-----Original Message-----
From: Interest <interest-bounces at qt-project.org> On Behalf Of Jason H
Sent: July 2, 2020 11:24 AM
To: interestqt-project.org <interest at qt-project.org>; ulf.hermann at qt.io
Subject: [Interest] I love QML

I know I spend a lot of time talking about inadequacies of Qt, but it's out of love. Since discovering Qt back in oh, 2001 when I was writing MFC apps, I have come to love the toolkit despite its rough edges. I have been assigned to port our Qt/QML app to Swift. And let me say what a joy it is working with Qt/QML.
- The ability to use JSON inline, and as a proper JavaScript Object is a huge feature that I did not appreciate previously.
- The property bindings system eliminates so much code and the automatic evaluation of bindings is phenomenal.
- The lack of a separated view and view controller makes reusable components even easier.
- The fact that I don't need to use UI machinations in a UI builder to build an app (I'm looking at you, @IBOutlet) is another joy
- The fact that Qt types don't seemingly duplicate each other in quirky ways (UIColor, CGColor)
- I could go on...

I know Qt is going to offer an alternative to JS, but unless it has all those features (mainly the in-line JSON in actual JSON) I am likely to stay with the JavaScript version.

A big big Thank You to the Qt team!

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