[Interest] QtWidget examples not being run

Ramakanth Kesireddy rama.kesi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 15:36:16 CEST 2020


I am unable to run a few below QtWidget examples using Qt 5.6.3 libs though
I set qmake PATH but other QtWidget examples work fine.


export QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=tslib:/dev/input/event0

root at target:~/widgetapps# ./animatedtiles -platform linuxfb
./animatedtiles: relocation error: ./animatedtiles: symbol
_ZN14QGraphicsSceneC1EffffP7QObject, version Qt_5 not defined in file
libQt5Widgets.so.5 with link time reference

root at target:~/widgetapps# ./graphicsview -platform linuxfb
./graphicsview: relocation error: ./graphicsview: symbol
version Qt_5 not defined in file libQt5Gui.so.5 with link time reference

root at target:~/widgetapps# ./imagegestures -platform linuxfb
./imagegestures: relocation error: ./imagegestures: symbol
_ZN8QPainter6rotateEf, version Qt_5 not defined in file libQt5Gui.so.5 with
link time reference

cross compiled Qt gcc version: 7.2.1(Using configure,make)
Target gcc version: 7.3.0(using Yocto meta-qt5 recipes)

I compiled all the above examples using cross compiled Qt on Ubuntu 16.04
and run on target which is Yocto Qt 5.6.3 build.

Am not sure why there would be any ABI incompatibility as both versions
used are Qt 5.6.3 if the the error due to mismatch of Qt versions.

Cross-compiled Qt and Yocto Qt build are built with c++14 as the compiler

Appreciate if you could provide your suggestions in this regard to resolve
the error.

Best Regards,

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