[Interest] rebooted QtWebKit for Qt4??

Roland Hughes roland at logikalsolutions.com
Mon Jul 13 14:21:04 CEST 2020

On 7/12/20 9:54 PM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 11.07.2020, 13:26, "Roland Hughes" <roland at logikalsolutions.com>:
>> On 7/10/20 11:24 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>>   10.07.2020, 15:00, "Roland Hughes" <roland at logikalsolutions.com>:
>>>>   They have a "slightly" newer version of WebKit.
>>>>   "CsWebKit is a web content rendering engine based on the open source
>>>>   WebKit project, featuring broad support for standard web technologies.
>>>>   CsWebKit is developed as a part of the WebKit community, which enables
>>>>   every new release of CsWebKit to include the latest developments from
>>>>   the WebKit project."
>>>   Blatant lies. They use the same WebKit snapshot as Qt 4.8, and never took
>>>   part in WebKit community.
>> Perhaps. Perhaps not. Since it is an OpenSource project it could well
>> have been someone who actually did take part in the WebKit community who
>> just did it for them because they were tired of the Willy-Nilly changes
>> to the Qt API and its relentless pursuit of worthless QML.
> In this case they had to be really stealthy to avoid any mentioning of the project
> in patches and discussions, and, of course, avoid contributing any code related
> to that project which could reveal their affiliation.
You just cut and pasted the __exact__ description of Canonical. Rarely 
if ever contributes anything up-stream and almost never gives credit 
where credit is due. They are adamant about every YABU publicly 
identifying itself as a YABU.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions


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