[Interest] Does QML use the byte-code when the same component is used twice during the same run time?

Furkan Uzumcu furkanuzumcu at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 19:20:42 CEST 2020

I was reading the documentation related to disk caching: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmldiskcache.html

It says:

> It stores the byte code in a cache file and later loads the cache file instead of re-compiling when the same file is requested again.

I assumed before that the compilation would take place once and there would be an in-memory cache for this. I guess it is not the case.

Does this mean that the following code would result in the QML engine re-compiling the same file twice?

Repeater {
    model: 2
    delegate: Loader {
        source: "MyComponent.qml"

Furkan Üzümcü
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