[Interest] Conda packaging of macOS App troubles

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Fri Aug 20 20:51:44 CEST 2021

Does anyone on this list have any experience packaging a macOS GUI application .app package as an Anaconda package? We recently added python wrapping to our application and we are trying to create a package for anaconda. For Linux and Windows this all works out just fine. For MacOS we get a package created but when a user tries to launch the application it will hang at the first point any GUI element is shown. We have been comparing our application to something like QAssistant or QDesigner that are already packaged and that work just fine but just cannot seem to find the difference. We have looked at info.plist, qt.conf, linked libraries through ‘otool’ and a few other ideas but cannot seem to figure out what the major difference is.

We did make a trivial Qt widgets application that just shows a QPushButton and have successfully packaged that into an anaconda package. I’m also not sure if this is the best list for this but I thought I would start here…. 



Mike Jackson

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