[Interest] Qt 6.0.0 released

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 11:46:38 CET 2021

Am 09.12.20 um 16:04 schrieb ekke:
> I'm happy with the new Small Business License for my mobile app
> development. https://www.qt.io/qt-for-small-business
Well, here's the new catch (compared to Qt 5 perpetual licenses): if you
stop paying your license fees you now must pull your app(s) developed
with Qt 6 from all app stores (existing users may continue to use your
app, sure), or in other words: you can only sell your Qt 6 based apps
for as long as you keep paying the yearly Qt license fees. That also
impacts giving support for your existing apps: you can only do so for as
long as you have a valid (paid) Qt 6 license.

That might not be a big deal for those small businesses that keep
developing (new) Qt applications, but it may be an additional burden for

Now I am not even critisising this decision: after all, everyone needs
to make (keep making) money. I was just trying to explain why some are
put off a bit by this license policy change decision.

Cheers, Oliver

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