January 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 1 02:37:37 CET 2021
Ending: Sat Jan 30 15:09:35 CET 2021
Messages: 159
- [Interest] QVariant toBool() not working correctly?
Kevin André
- [Interest] QVariant toBool() not working correctly?
Kevin André
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
Olivier B.
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
Olivier B.
- [Interest] Qt6 - Making Qt installer package for Windows, Linux and OS X
- [Interest] [SPAM] Re: Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Scott Bloom
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Scott Bloom
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Assam Boudjelthia
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Florian Bruhin
- [Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Florian Bruhin
- [Interest] Qt6 : QPA qxcb - Ubuntu 20.04 dev libraries dependencies
Andreas Buhr
- [Interest] CaptureStillImage to buffer
Alexander Carôt
- [Interest] Still getting crashes inside of Intel OpenGL drivers even after setting QT_OPENGL=software
Jean-Michaël Celerier
- [Interest] No rule to make target 'libQt5UiTools_debug.a' ?
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] How to pass parameter from Menu/Action to SLOT()
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Mac debugger hangs indefinitely?
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] using Environment vars in build params?
David M. Cotter
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] QVariant toBool() not working correctly?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] Qt6 repo
Nibedit Dey
- [Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Nibedit Dey
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Ilya Diallo
- [Interest] qml: opengl failure
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] qmake bug. Any workaround?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] qmake bug. Any workaround?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] QT_OPENGL_BUGLIST inside of resources?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] QT_OPENGL_BUGLIST inside of resources?
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] Still getting crashes inside of Intel OpenGL drivers even after setting QT_OPENGL=software
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] Still getting crashes inside of Intel OpenGL drivers even after setting QT_OPENGL=software
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Kyle Edwards
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Kyle Edwards
- [Interest] Android: use Kotlin alongside with Java?
Kyle Edwards
- [Interest] QVariant toBool() not working correctly?
Christian Ehrlicher
- [Interest] How to populate ChartView CandlestickSeries from JS?
Federico Ferri
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Christian Gagneraud
- [Interest] [Development] download.qt.io is down
Fabio Giovagnini
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Thorsten Glaser
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Thorsten Glaser
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS missing
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS missing
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS missing
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
Robert Hairgrove
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
Robert Hairgrove
- [Interest] QVariant toBool() not working correctly?
Robert Hairgrove
- [Interest] More than one type of main window
Ben Haller
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Jani Heikkinen
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Robert Heller
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Robert Heller
- [Interest] QSqlTableModel and QSqlRelationalTableModel busted for SQLite
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] Qt6 : QPA qxcb - Ubuntu 20.04 dev libraries, dependencies
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] [SPAM] Re: Qt 6.0.0 released
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] Interest Digest, Vol 112, Issue 6
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Mac debugger always hangs
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Compiling Qt5 (any version past 5.99) for Apple Silicon/M1
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Compiling Qt5 (any version past 5.99) for Apple Silicon/M1
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Compiling/Generating the full set of documentation for Qt 5.15.2
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Compiling/Generating the full set of documentation for Qt 5.15.2
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] qmake bug. Any workaround?
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- [Interest] Mac debugger hangs indefinitely?
Liang Jian
- [Interest] CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS missing
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Yuvraaj Kelkar
- [Interest] Glib vulnerability on QT 5.6.3 dependency
Ramakanth Kesireddy
- [Interest] Glib vulnerability on QT 5.6.3 dependency
Ramakanth Kesireddy
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Marius Kittler
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Marius Kittler
- [Interest] Rebuilding cmake project (in Qt Creator) fails - build directories write-protected?
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Rebuilding cmake project (in Qt Creator) fails - build directories write-protected?
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 6.0.0 released
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt6 - Making Qt installer package for Windows, Linux and OS X
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Rebuilding cmake project (in Qt Creator) fails - build directories write-protected?
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] QCoreApplication, argc parameter type
Sze Howe Koh
- [Interest] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Sze Howe Koh
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Sze Howe Koh
- [Interest] Qt Desktop push notifications, can't get to NSApplication?
Wesley Krasko
- [Interest] Rebuilding cmake project (in Qt Creator) fails - build directories write-protected?
Kai Köhne
- [Interest] CurrentProject:QT_INSTALL_BINS missing
Kai Köhne
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Kai Köhne
- [Interest] QCoreApplication, argc parameter type
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Mark Long
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Glib vulnerability on QT 5.6.3 dependency
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Qt6 repo
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] qmake bug. Any workaround?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Qt6 : linguist + *.ts files creation
Frank Mertens
- [Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Interest] Compiling Qt5 (any version past 5.99) for Apple Silicon/M1
Hamish Moffatt
- [Interest] Qt 6 Ubuntu package
Hamish Moffatt
- [Interest] [External]Re: download.qt.io is down
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Qt6 : linguist + *.ts files creation
Max Paperno
- [Interest] Compiling Qt5 (any version past 5.99) for Apple Silicon/M1
Boris Ralchenko
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Alexandre Ribeiro
- [Interest] SQLite: mystic bug: No query Unable to fetch row error
Tony Rietwyk
- [Interest] Client requested name ".AppleColorEmojiUI", it will get TimesNewRomanPSMT rather than the intended font.
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt WebGL streaming plugin - Questions
Nikolaos Sourligas
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Benjamin TERRIER
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] No rule to make target 'libQt5UiTools_debug.a' ?
Tor Arne Vestbø
- [Interest] QtWebEngine changes?
Harald Vistnes
- [Interest] download.qt.io is down
Dmitry Volosnykh
- [Interest] [Development] download.qt.io is down
Dmitry Volosnykh
- [Interest] [Development] [Releasing] download.qt.io is down
Dmitry Volosnykh
- [Interest] Qt 5.15 pull out of open source?!
Richard Weickelt
- [Interest] How to pass parameter from Menu/Action to SLOT()
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] How to pass parameter from Menu/Action to SLOT()
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] How to use Qt6::qmake ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] QPA display system query ?
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] Qt6 : linguist + *.ts files creation
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] Qt6 : linguist + *.ts files creation
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] Qt6 : QPA qxcb - Ubuntu 20.04 dev libraries dependencies
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] Qt6 : QPA qxcb - Ubuntu 20.04 dev libraries dependencies
Nicholas Yue
- [Interest] qml: opengl failure
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
- [Interest] QStringBuilder buffer overflow with string litteral?
- [Interest] How to add child items to QStandardItemModel?
Anisha kaul
- [Interest] How to add child items to QStandardItemModel?
Anisha kaul
Last message date:
Sat Jan 30 15:09:35 CET 2021
Archived on: Fri Feb 5 08:42:57 CET 2021
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).