[Interest] Qt WebGL streaming plugin - Questions

Nikolaos Sourligas nsourligas91 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 14:03:34 CET 2021

Hi all,

I was looking for some answers in the official Qt forum about Qt WebGL
streaming plugin and the guru guys from there told me to ask here since no
one was able to help me.

I am highly interested in using this awesome plugin for remote UI access of
a personal Qt application that it's running on a Raspberry Pi. I am using
the Qt 5.11.3 since it's the latest Qt version supported by the official
Rasbian Debian Buster. So, I have these questions questions below for you:

1) I created an example project and compiled it for Raspberry Pi arm
architecture. I run my program on Pi with "-platform webgl" command line
parameter in order to test it. On my local network it works fine and I am
able to see the program in my web browser. But when I tried to use a
different port(443) behind NAT and port forward this port traffic to a new
port (24223) which will be public available on the internet, then I
realized that my browser tab is not responding and tab title says "QtWebGL
- Waiting for connection" and browser debug console prints this error
"WebSocket connection to 'ws://example.com:41271/' failed: Error in
connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". Any idea what is
going wrong? In general, is it possible to use WebGL streaming plugin
behind NAT or VPN and also use port forwarding ? Because I would like to
have access of remote UI from my home or my mobile phone for checking
status periodically and etc.

2) Qt WebGL streaming plugin supports encrypted connections like https? Or
using encrypted websockets or something else? If yes, it is supported on Qt
5.11.3 version? And any example how to do that?

3) And this is a question that already exists on qt forum and blog,
stackoverflow and etc but I would like to ask it again for a more clear and
secure answer. I know that Qt WebGL streaming plugin permits one connection
at the time. So, how can we support multiple clients? Any ideas?

I would really appreciate for your guidance on these topics described above.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Nikos Sourligas.
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