[Interest] QML defining an object property

Pierre-Yves Siret py.siret at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 09:52:12 CEST 2021

Le lun. 31 mai 2021 à 19:59, Alexander Dyagilev <alervdvcw at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> Am I right that this is not possible in QML?
> readonly property var mainTbImg: {
>     up: "some string",
>      up_check: "some another string"
> }

The problem is that QML doesn't know how to parse it,  it can't know if
it's a JS statement or a JS object definition. To disambiguate it you can
either write:

    readonly property var mainTbImg: ({
        up: "some string",
        up_check: "some another string"

or :

    readonly property var mainTbImg: {
        "up": "some string",
        "up_check": "some another string"

Encompass the declaration with parenthesis or the property names with
double quotes.
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