[Interest] The willy-nilly deletion of convenience,, methods

Volker Hilsheimer volker.hilsheimer at qt.io
Wed Mar 24 14:45:46 CET 2021

> On 24 Mar 2021, at 13:20, Roland Hughes <roland at logikalsolutions.com> wrote:
>>> Who said anything about "ever?"  Or even "last year."  Have you never built anything that is actually finished, and stays finished, and relevant, and functional for 10, 20, 30 years?  Granted, if I get 10 years of use out of anything built in this century, I do consider it a minor victory.  So maybe that's my answer.
>> There are evidently (form what has been written here, and from my personal experience of working in and with financial, medical, and telko) industries that prefer 30 year old security issues in their devices over establishing a process that allows them to continuously update their software stack. In which case, yes I personally do think they are missing the point of “software”, and I’m happy that our way of developing Qt is not constrained by those industries.
> Those would be your customers. 30 year old security issues tend to be easily plugged or otherwise defended against. There is no defense against the relentless stream of new security vulnerabilities, bugs, and crashes brought about by continuous integration and deployment.

The research done by e.g. DORA around continuous deployment, including in safety critical environments, tells a different story than your anecdotes.


>>  To be honest, many of those bugs are really hard to fix without breaking anything else, so often we decide that a known, well-documented bug is preferable to a bunch of new, unknown bugs that a fix might introduce.
> You knowingly create 30 year old security issues and you diss your customers who have worked around theirs.
> :P

Knowingly? That’s a bit much, even from you, Roland.

>> FWIW, so far the substance of this discussion seems to boil down to
>> * the old QList implementation being gone
>> * toContainer convenience methods removed
>> * references to QHash entries no longer stable when the hash is mutated
> You forgot customer abandonment

Talk to your sales rep.

> death of OpenSource LTS

Get the patches you need from the dev branch.

> Qt 6 being useless
> QML needing to be ripped out.

Don’t use it.

I don’t consider this substance. Go back to the original thread if you want to spread FUD, Roland.

I started a new one were we can focus on substantial and constructive conversation about what needs to be brought back to make Qt 6 better and porting easier.


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